
Give Here

Please support us today.

You can make a real difference in the health of our residents with your donation. That's because every gift to the Osgoode Care Centre is used to help the people who live here have the most comfortable, safe, healthy and pleasant home.

Busting out the Brews

Friday January 29th would have been our 9th annual Busting out the Brews fundraiser.

The "stay at home" measures have given us the time to reflect on just how generous our community is!

To date, over $400 000.00 has been raised for our home through this event. We are extremely thankful to the many businesses, guests and volunteers who have contributed to the event over the years.

Our community is THE BEST!!

If you would like to donate to our home supporting what would have been our 9th event, you can do so in one of the following ways

  • Choose one of the Give options below; 
  • Credit card, call Wendy at 613-821-1034 ext 248; or
  • Mail a cheque to Osgoode Care Centre, 7650 Snake Island Rd, Metcalfe, ON K0A 2P0


Donate today!
Ways you can give

Or, attend one of our Fundraising Events         



Please consider remembering Osgoode Care Centre in your will or estate plans.


When you make your donation you may specify in the comments box if you want it directed to:

Renovations-Expansion     |     Equipment     |     Social/Recreation Programs     |     General Fund